Organizational Challenges and the Role of Paseer Platform in Addressing Them

 Organizational Efficiency:

These challenges include a lack of necessary positions, an overgrowth of current roles, and the misalignment of assigned specializations with the organization's needs. This leads to decreased performance efficiency and a misallocation of resources.

Paseer’s Role: Through Paseer, organizations can monitor task distribution accurately and identify the required competencies to complete different tasks. The platform helps assess the qualifications needed for each position, allowing for predictive hiring and ensuring balanced work distribution.


Organizational Suitability:

Challenges related to organizational suitability include the misalignment of tasks with organizational roles, lack of effective governance in appointing technical positions, and the lack of performance harmony between organizational units.

Paseer’s Role: The Paseer platform enables institutions to analyze the role of each organizational unit and its contribution to overall goals. It also facilitates task alignment across units, improving coordination and avoiding redundancy, which in turn boosts organizational efficiency.

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